
The dream doesn’t shut off

A real dream doesn’t rest because the clock strikes 11pm.

A real dream doesn’t shut off because the weekend comes.

A real dream doesn’t cower when the odds seem impossible.

A real dream doesn’t understand “no.”

A real dream doesn’t know failure.

A real dream isn’t derailed by obstacles, threats or fears.

Do you have a real dream?

do you have dreams?


Business · Soul thoughts

I intervene.

The word “intervene” is remarkable. It holds the idea of thoughtful, purposed, determined, caring and championing another for their best.

I sat across from a woman at a conference a couple weeks ago acting as a mentor.

She probed about my businesses to get a picture for what it does and where it’s going, what I do, what I want to do and where I want to go.  I was giving good professional answers. “I want Givily to have X customers in this market by X time.” You know, those answers. After a few answers to her questions that weren’t wrong, but definitely not right, she rephrased the question again and it finally came out in that well-fine-if-you-must tone.

“I want to be the first female in history to purchase an NFL team.”

Her hand slammed down on the table and she lit up, “Now, that’s what I was waiting to hear. I knew something was in there.”

She went on to give encouragement, guidance, inspiration and direction on getting there. “All I ask is to have a ticket to a game. Maybe a box or something.”

[Yes, my eyes threatened to puddle a few times during this short conversation but I held it together.]

But the moment that really took my breath away was when I stood up to leave and asked Jan to describe exactly what she does for people.

“I hear people’s dreams and make them happen. I intervene.” 

I hope we get as clear about our purpose and abilities as Jan.


Soul thoughts

Strawberry Crest

I passed a high school named “Strawberry Crest” the other day. Real place, real building. Magical name, eh?

And the halls are filled with broken pencils, broken hearts and broken dreams the same as any other school.

Nothing is perfect. Nothing is without struggle. We can package up the outside; wear heels, have a perfect hair cut, wear an amazing shirt, have a great landing page or catchy URL…there’s still junk on the inside. Still tough, rough and ugly.

I don’t know what this does for you, but it makes me want to smile at everyone a little more and give some extra love to everyone I meet.

We don’t know which battle they came from and what war they’re headed for.


Just for the heck of it

large windshields and small rearview mirrors

See, when you drive home today, you’ve got a big windshield on the front of your car. And you’ve got a little bitty rearview mirror. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what’s happened in your past is not near as important as what’s in your future. – Joel Osteen

How will it change your life to think of this every time you get in a car?!



Character · Soul thoughts

Do you dance in the past, present or future?

The mind helps us sort, process and make sense of our lives. What a fabulous resource!

Where do you spend the most time sorting and making sense of things; the past, present or the future?

I recently took inventory of where my thoughts tend to dance, where I use one of my most valuable resources…and my next logical question to myself, is it beneficial where I spend the majority of time processing?



Just for the heck of it

Dream rolodex

Yes, I know the rolodex is outdated. Extremely outdated, as a matter of fact. These days our contacts are stored in our phone and gmail accounts.

Fine, but I’m still going to use the phrase.

Who is in your dream rolodex? Who do you have direct access to? And why don’t you have their direct number now?

Because you haven’t asked, that’s why.
